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Writer's pictureTim Chambers

Herd Mentality or Group Consciousness?

In today’s environment of fear and eternal conflict, there are choices of behavior to be made based on self preservation. On one side of the choice philosophy is that of herd mentality, which is in line with the principle of natural selection. This behavioral model is exemplified by those who choose to not adjust their behavior in any way, in response to the current public health emergency. These are the people who put their own civil rights of freedom of expression, liberty, and happiness (the pursuance of $prosperity$), above public health and safety. Another choice is expressed through those who choose to honor the “stay at home” logic, which puts safety and health for all as a priority, with the opportunity for even greater prosperity when societal lessons learned are applied to the economic re-start.

Natural selection leaves it up to nature, like a wild fire that burns through a forest directed only by the blowing wind. Dry and dead wood along with healthy trees are destroyed, resulting in an increase of nutritious soil, once the toxic ash is washed away with time. From an elemental perspective (Chinese 5 Element Theory), fire destroys wood to create earth. From a “thinning of the herd perspective’, overly dense growth areas like New York city are simply culled out, leaving opportunistic real estate speculators in a good position to invest for profit. The problem with today’s pandemic is that unconscious “natural” behavior suppresses and endangers economic opportunities, as well as the mental/emotional state, of those in close proximity of the “unconscious behaviorists”.

An example, one of many, comes from a recent event in a big city. A late middle aged man chooses herd mentality and ignores warnings of health officials. He catches the virus and dies, leaving his widow not only partnerless, but also testing positive for Covid 19. The couple lived in a large, multi towered apartment complex, so hundreds of people’s lives are now compromised. The group consciousness people quarantine themselves for 14 days, while the unconscious herd people continue their normal social interactions, putting even more people at risk. This behavior breeds fear and danger on the street as well as inside the apartment complex because no-one knows who they can trust.

The group conscious choice requires discipline and a suspension of the desire for immediate gratification. Choosing the preservation of life as a whole results in a quicker resolution to the spreading of the virus, which is economically beneficial (less sustained and destructive) to all. Perhaps the most nuanced expression of the group conscious mentality is those who choose to remain active in their public activities. “I refuse to have my life run by fear” is a familiar refrain of this group. The actual social behavior directives can be successfully observed in public: wear a mask, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and remain six feet from everyone. It takes discipline, self awareness, and awareness of one’s surroundings to sustain this on a daily basis.

Recent beach openings are examples of this. People are asked to use the beach for exercise, but not for relaxation or gathering. In this sense it’s an exercise of releasing/tightening a group pressure valve. People are asked, individually, to gauge their own needs where exercise, health and stress management are concerned, keeping in mind the effect their decisions have on the group. As more people behave based on the enlightened concept of individual rights and needs expressed in a way that is respectful and protective of the common good, more people with herd mentality will be effected through the law of entrainment to adapt their behavior as well as raise their consciousness.

Drugs Update

A recent posting mentioned Remdesivir, an anti viral drug that disrupts the replication function of the virus. It was reportedly used by a northern California doctor in a last ditch effort to save a Covid-19 victim. It worked. Hard core clinical trials have now brought the drug into a more stringent scientific setting. Not so stringent though, as to prevent a leaking of information concerning the successful progress of one of the drugs’ trials. 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 who had severe disease with difficulty breathing, were treated with Remdesivir. Most recovered enough to be discharged from the hospital while only two perished. This information was revealed in an internal video discussion at the University of Chicago, and subsequently released without authorization, much to the chagrin of the University. Another study, released with authorization in the New England Journal of Medicine, followed 53 patients in the U.S., Japan, Canada, and Europe. In that study, 68%of patients improved, while 57% of those on ventilators no longer needed their support after ten days of treatment. Another study, by the drugs originators Gilead, is expected to produce results from large scale human trials in May. Hope is buttressed by positive results, but still not enough to alleviate our current dilemma (

Another aforementioned drug company, Regeneron, has been developing specific antibodies that target the virus where it is most vulnerable, which are areas of the spiked surface that don’t mutate. This month, in mid April, they succeeded in narrowing down their testing to between 4 and 10 antibodies to test on monkeys. The best performers will then be tested on humans. Regeneron expresses its’ confidence by gearing up production to meet a large-scale demand, whereby the company hopes to produce 200,000 doses a month by August. Therapeutically, Regeneron’s antibody treatment could be used for patients stricken by the disease, and also as short term prevention for front line medical workers. Prophylactically, the drug would need to be re-introduced on a monthly basis, but could be used as a necessary bridge until a true vaccine emerges (


Basic things become more important everyday. My basic Qi Gong : Standing Meditations for De-Stress and Enlightenment is now up on the new website: . Audio meditations are coming soon. This as well as other articles of interest are published there. Just click on the “articles” button to have a great read!


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